What?! You got Botox?!

I’m tired of having to stand up for girls and women who want to look good, have great skin and stay wrinkle free, so what if we’re vain – tell me someone who doesn’t want to look their best.

Vanity is the reason that we have a beauty industry, it’s the reason that millions of pounds are spent on cosmetics and a reason that so many men and women across the world have employment.

Who decides whats acceptable and what’s not? YOU DO! It’s your face and your body, if you don’t want anything to touch your skin then that’s fine; it’s just as fine if you want to have facials and peels, Botox or fillers. An opinion is something that we are all entitled to but it shouldn’t be used to to shame others for their individual choices.

Concern is different, I appreciate that the industry has it’s downfalls and there are people out there who are not concerned with safety and jeopardise their clients health, however there are many trained and insured professionals that can help you to achieve your aesthetic goals without putting you in any danger.

The majority of people having beauty and aesthetic treatments don’t want to change they’re appearance, they want to improve what they’ve got and feel good about themselves. We can control so many things in our life and feeling confident about the way we look is amongst them; if it makes you feel happy and better about yourself then what’s the problem?

There’s a vast amount of treatments available from eyelash extensions to injectables, microdermabrasion to laser peels, what may be suitable for one is not always great for another. My advice will always be the same – do your research. Research the place, the person and the treatment, knowledge is power and it will empower you to make the choices that are right for you.

Before people judge others for having beauty and aesthetic treatments encourage them to think about this:

Why do you go to the gym? = to stay healthy & LOOK GOOD

Why do you have your hair styled? = TO LOOK & FEEL GOOD

Why do you buy new clothes? = TO LOOK & FEEL GOOD

Elemis Tri Enzyme Facial Review, Elements Medi Spa Doncaster

Best in Beauty

First of all apologies, I actually had this facial a few weeks ago and thought I had posted the review but scrolling through my draft posts I found it sitting there! If your feeling a bit down and need some relaxation and a skin pick me up then get googling the closest Elemis stockist to you and get booked in! 

From the welcome touch to on my feet to the scalp massage and beautiful smelling oils everything about this facial was amazing. When entering the room the lights were dim and the candles flickered on the worktop, my therapist asked me to take a seat and we went through the consultation form that I filled out in the waiting room. As before when I’ve had other facials I explained that my concerns were dry and dull skin, together we decided that the Elemis Tri-Enzyme facial would be the best treatment for…

View original post 345 more words

Vitamin Drip

Forget the Mojitos and Cosmopolitans the cocktail were talking about isn’t sipped from a tall glass, instead it’s infused straight into the blood stream through a tiny incision in the arm. The beauty of this cocktail means that it doesn’t leave you feeling (or looking) terrible but rather the opposite.

Feeling tired, lethargic and with a mouth full of ulcers I decided my body needed more than just a good nights sleep, it needed some serious TLC. I opted to have the Immune Boost Vitamin Drip, a small cannula was inserted into my arm and was attached to bag of saline containing my personally prescribed cocktail of vitamins – which had been prepared by a fully qualified nurse prescriber. Over a period of about 40mins I did nothing but lay in a dark relaxation room whilst the solution was infused directly into my blood stream. A common thought is “why not just take oral vitamins” ? The truth is that when taken orally only around 15% of the vitamins are of any use to the body – infusions mean a much higher percentage of the vitamin is actually put to good use.

After leaving the clinic I did not feel any immediate changes within my body, however the next morning I realised that I’d had the best nights sleep in a long time. I had more energy and the mouth ulcers I’d been battling with for weeks were on there way out – probably down to the dose of vitamin C. On consultation I explained that I’m prone to cold and flu and not that great at eating my fruit and veg, with this in mind I was recommended a course of drips to boost my immune system. Regardless of the vitamins used I think the hydration alone has given my body a boost, I know how I important water is yet it can get to 5 o’clock and I’ve only had a glass.

Vitamin Drips are used for many different reasons from specific concerns to general health, it’s important to remember that although this may seem like a quick and easy treatment it dose still pose a health risk. There is nothing wrong with asking clinics about the qualifications of their staff or hygiene policies, like many aesthetic treatments a vitamin drip can be done in a clean and safe environment and get fantastic results.


Lynton Fractional Laser Resurfacing Peel

Before and during fractional laser resurfacing treatment

Before and during fractional laser resurfacing treatment


I haven’t had a skin treatment for a while and the acne blemishes and red marks were starting to build up on my face, so today I agreed to have a laser resurfacing treatment. I usually avoid ‘lasers’ – mainly because of the pain and down time. I’ve worked with other lasers and in most cases have found them to be extremely uncomfortable both during and post treatment, I hadn’t been convinced that the results were worth the torture. However today I have been proved different and have been converted to a laser lover.

The majority of skin treatments work the same; they cause a controlled trauma to the skin to force cell renewal. The fractional laser treatment from Lynton is no different, however this fractional laser is slightly different to most  as it works much more superficially, meaning; it’s not as painful and the down time is not as long. This does not mean that the results will be compromised we will simply have a less invasive treatment more regularly, something like 6 treatments over a 6 month period.  The fractional laser penetrates the surface layers of skin until it reaches the dermal layer, once here it stimulates the formation of new collagen resulting in new plump skin cells, which will work their way to the skin surface and reveal an even, glowing and rejuvenated skin tone. The treatment will help improve fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and blemishes and  a dull sallow skin.

As I lay on the couch with my black out goggles on I began to take deep breaths and brace myself for the shots of intense heat, I felt the hand piece on my skin, heard the ‘BLEEP’ of the laser and miraculously felt no pain!  Cheryl, the therapist doing the treatment asked me ” on a scale of 1-10 how painful is it?” I confidently said 1. It did not feel like a heat treatment but a very light scratching sensation on the surface of my skin, however this was partly down to a machine blowing cold air continuously onto my skin.

Once the whole of my forehead had been treat I began to feel a sensation exactly like sunburn, this feeling then began to spread across all of my face; although by this time the last few shots were being done and the treatment was over. Now this was the part of the treatment that was typical of a laser. My face began to feel extremely warm and was very red, this intense heat feeling lasted for about 30 mins, I simply reapplied cold compresses until the heat subsided and turned every piece of paper into a make shift fan.

 That Night 

4 hours later my skin is still pink and feels very tight, it is not painful but it is sensitive to touch. I’m now waiting for the old dead skin cells on the surface of my skin to exfoliate and for the new glowing cells to come through, this will get rid of the blemishes and red marks that I have been left from past breakouts; and prevent those dreaded wrinkles appearing. In the areas where I had deeper acne scars I had a second pass and these areas will probably ‘flake’ slightly more than the other areas.

The Following Day

When I woke up this morning my face felt extremely tight and very dry to touch, other than being slightly sensitive to my cleansing and moisturising products it felt fine. My skin is slightly darker than it usually is and there is a slight line which indicates where the treatment stops, if you look closely in the picture you can see tiny dots all over my skin; this is where the laser penetrated. I’m not going out today so I do not need to put any makeup on but if I were the tell tell signs would easily be covered by mineral make- up.

The following day

The following day

The results of the treatment are not instant and I now have got to wait for my body to get rid of the damaged cells and replace them with new healthy ones, this process will take place over the next month. I will post some more pictures in the meantime.


Treatment Carried out by Elements Medispa Doncaster



Mesotherapy & PRP Treatment

Mesotherapy & PRP Treatment

This treatment is essentially the Vampire face lift which I have previously written about, however instead of using deep injections in conjunction with a dermaroller this cool little gun penetrates the skin only a couple of mill depositing small yet regular amounts of product across my skin. The pictures were taken before the surface blood was massaged into my skin, I didn’t have to leave the clinic looking like this!

I will write a full review when I have taken some post treatment pics

The Vampire Facelift (PRP)

Ok so we all saw the beautiful Kim Kardashion looking like an extra from a hollywood horror movie, but the treatment that she had is far from as drastic as it looks.

The vampire facelift or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is not just some Hollywood gimmick, but a successful treatment not only used in aesthetics, but also used to treat sport injuries, the infamous tiger woods is a fan.


I understand the worries that people have when it comes to having traditional injectable treatments like Botox and fillers, after all we are putting a ‘product’ into our bodies. The beauty of PRP is that the product is YOURS, it’s your blood! Think about what your blood does, without it you wouldn’t be alive. Amongst many other duties your blood carries platelets, platelets once activated release growth factors, it is these growth factors that make this treatment so successful.

Growth factors are typically released when areas of tissue are damaged, they stimulate the healing process. This process consists of stimulating fibroblast cells along with collagen and elastin fibres which are responsible for giving the skin strength and elastic properties.

By introducing these platelets into the skin the healing process is stimulated with minimal trauma being caused. In short we are forcing the stimulation of collagen and elastin.

What happens??

A sample of your blood is taken which is then placed in a centrifuge, this process is to separate the different components of your blood, isolating the platelets into the plasma.

The platelets are then introduced to the skin through several modalities, superficial injections, deep transdermal injections, mesotherapy and micro needling.

The results begin to appear within a few weeks, which include:

Reducing fine lines & wrinkles
Strengthening thinning skin
Stimulating collagen production
Revitalising dull lifeless skin
Smoothing skin tone and texture

Germain De Cappucini Facial Review


Its fair to say my obsession with skincare and facials is not getting any smaller, it seems i cant go online without scouring beauty product sites or beauty therapy brochures; soon i may be asking for help! This is a review from the product house Germain de Cappucini, I do apologise but I had this facial whilst having an afternoon out with one of my friends and did not have my trusty notebook with me to note down every move the therapist made. Although this wasn’t the best facial that I have ever had there were elements that I really liked, including the cool scrub exfoliating scrub and heated bean bags.

At the time of this facial I had the reminiscence of some hormonal breakouts on my chin, not actual spots any more just the dry ugly blemishes that they leave behind. I felt like my skin needed a good ‘scrub’ which it definately got, the facial lasted one hour and compromised of a facial and scalp massage, every product was applied like it was part of the massaged never forgetting a pressure point or warm touch. The treatment began with warm bean bags applied to the decolletage which sent me straight into deep relaxation and the products followed :

Pure Expert Extra Comfort Cleansing Gel

Pure Expert Refiner Essence Expert Toner

Exfoliating Scrub – this had the most amazing menthol feeling on the skin there was no more of a ‘clean’ feeling than you could get

Facial massage – this routine was quite different to norm it contains a lot of ‘lifting’ movements which actually felt quite nice

Hydracure Facial Mask  –  a Hyaluronic based product – see  the ingredients post for more info

Scalp Massage – always a winner for me

Essential Youthfulness Eye Contour Cream – crepe skin around the eye is creeping its way in

Hydra Balance Facial Cream – hmmmm?

The facial itself was ok, unfortunately I think i’ve been spoilt with hand and arm massages, foot rubs and heated blankets although for those of you that don’t like all the fuss you probably appreciate the lack of massage. I suppose what i’m really trying to say is that there wasn’t a lot going off considering the facial lasted for 1 hour but the touches that were in there were great. I could see an improvement in my skin however I feel a would have probably benefited from some of the ranges more active products like the Glycocure or Vitamin C . I think that these may have given me slightly longer lasting results. I dont think I’ll be rushing back straight away but i will try something else from them before i completely make up my mind.

If you’d like to try before you buy go on the Germain De Cappuncini website fill in a fe details and they send you some free samples anyway !


Id love to know what your thoughts are on Germain De Cappuncini facials or products, tell us your thoughts in the comments




Sleek Pout Paint Mwah !

Just a short and sweet post to tell you my new lip love is Sleek Pout paint! Ive recently been wearing two shades; mauve over and milkshake. They come in a cute little tube with a coloured stripe that actually resembles the colour that goes onto your lips. A drop is all you need and the vibrant colour takes over your lips and at a purse friendly £4.99 ( I bought mine from superdrug but it is available online) I’m thinking about buying all the range, the next one on my hit list is a vibrant red called pin up.


Sleek pout paint

Elemis Tri Enzyme Facial Review, Elements Medi Spa Doncaster

First of all apologies, I actually had this facial a few weeks ago and thought I had posted the review but scrolling through my draft posts I found it sitting there! If your feeling a bit down and need some relaxation and a skin pick me up then get googling the closest Elemis stockist to you and get booked in! 

From the welcome touch to on my feet to the scalp massage and beautiful smelling oils everything about this facial was amazing. When entering the room the lights were dim and the candles flickered on the worktop, my therapist asked me to take a seat and we went through the consultation form that I filled out in the waiting room. As before when I’ve had other facials I explained that my concerns were dry and dull skin, together we decided that the Elemis Tri-Enzyme facial would be the best treatment for me.

The facial lasted just over an hour and was the perfect combination of beautiful smelling products and relaxing massage routines, I couldn’t tell where one product finished and another was applied so I asked the therapist if she would be able to write
me down a brief routine, so if your going to have an Elemis facial expect something like this:


Rehydrating Rosepetal Cleanser, to remove any make-up from the face and eye                       Elemis Tri Enzyme Resurfacing  Was

Tri-Enzyme Resurfacing  Wash


Rehydrating Ginseng Toner

Facial, Neck and Chest Massage

Skin Bliss Capsules, contain meringa oil which is extremely hydrating on the skin the capsules can also be used as a skin         detox treatment.


Papaya Enzyme Peel, pineapple and papaya enzymes work like pac man on the skin eating away old dead skin cells


Absolute eye mask, orange peel extract wakens the eye area

Tri-Enzyme Mask (professional only)

Scalp Massage

sending you off to sleep!


Soothing Treatment mas (Professional Only)

Hand and Arm Massage

frangipani monoi melt, smells divine and leaves the skin feeling brand new

Eye Product

Pro Collagen Eye Renewal to ward off those dreaded wrinkles

Neck and Bust Cream


Pro Collagen Marine Cream, Elemis’ number 1 moisturiser leaves the skin soft, plump and hydrated

Through out the facial my therapist used 3 serums that are for professional use only, they were to enhance the products being used. They did feel quite tingly and had a sort of menthol feel, my therapist did explain to me that I may feel discomfort, after having the likes of a peel it felt like a tickle which was a welcome feeling and really quite refreshing.

This facial left my skin feeling amazing and not only for a couple of hours, but for the following people commented on how good my skin looked! Although we want results from a facial the massage that goes along with this facial seals the deal and makes a a definite winner for me !